Manufacturer Brand

美 [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərər brænd]英 [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərə(r) brænd]
  • 网络制造商品牌
Manufacturer BrandManufacturer Brand
  1. The research for Manufacturer Brand has especially formed a rather complete theoretical system , with the research in Consumer Goods Merchant Brand becoming the focal point of academics and enterprises .


  2. Perceived quality , perceived benefits , manufacturer brand , group buying website brand , perceived risk have a significant impact on the online group buying consumers purchase behavior .


  3. What manufacturer or brand name will this computer be sold under ?


  4. Their impression of the manufacturer and brand awareness is very fuzzy .


  5. Was founded in2004.Is a manufacturer of world-renowned brand bag business .


  6. In this study , the engine oils from different manufacturer with different brand were used to test the method . 20 samples and 10 samples were set up the training set and testing set respectively .


  7. With UNIX operating systems , patches and fixes are all handled by the manufacturer of the specific brand of UNIX .
